
In today’s complex financial landscape, business corporates often find themselves grappling with unpaid debts, seeking solutions to recover what’s rightfully theirs. This is where Legal Debt Settlement offered by AW UAE, emerges as a beacon of resolution and effectiveness.

What is Legal Debt Settlement? 

Legal Debt Settlement is a systematic approach that leverages our expertise and collaborations with reputable partners to resolve debt-related cases through the legal system. At its core, our approach is twofold:  

1 – Understanding the debtor’s underlying reasons for non-payment. 

2 – Whenever possible, establishing mutually agreeable settlement plans. 

AW UAE …. A Market Leader 

AW UAE is a global leader with 26+ years of experience in the Legal Debt Settlement and Credit Management Industry, as the regional headquarter of AW Holding in Dubai and have other Marketplaces: AW Oman, AW KSA, AW Egypt and AW Cross Border Center.  

Specializing in B2B, operating in 150+ countries with AW Cross Border Center the international arm of AW Holding through our direct and indirect partners. 

AW UAE is also a member of the top global associations and global groups; we are the exclusive representative for them in the GCC. 

AW UAE Supply Chain Advantage: 

When a case comes our way, we don’t just dive into legal proceedings blindly. We meticulously review all supporting documents, offering our clients top-notch business advisory services and effective risk management solutions. Our team of legal debt settlement specialists takes charge, initiating pre-litigation procedures, and working diligently to engage the debtor in crafting a settlement plan aligned with our client’s best interests. 

Our Commitment & Promise: 

At AW UAE, we guarantee precision, efficiency, and high professional standards in every step of the Legal Debt Settlement process. We’re not just lawyers; we’re legal debt settlement specialists with a business-oriented background, offering credit reports, skip tracing reports, and field visit reports to ensure you’re fully informed throughout the journey. 

What we offer? 

  • Free legal opinion for clients. 
  • Dedicated legal debt settlement specialists for your case with business acumen. 
  • Detailed credit and assessment reports. 
  • Focus on collecting outstanding amounts, not just judgments. 
  • Skip tracing and field visit reports for client awareness. 
  • In-depth understanding of debtors’ history and attitude. 
  • Innovative advanced pricing models for tailored solutions. 
  • Addressing Common business complexes of the creditors. 

Our Legal Debt Settlement service addresses business complexes, including: 

  • Cash flow challenges. 
  • Lack of liquidity. 
  • Concerns about legal procedure costs. 
  • International execution challenges. 
  • Fear of investing resources without certainty. 

Why Choose AW UAE? 

Our pre-litigation efforts, cost-effective solutions, and global partnerships set us apart from traditional law firms, making Legal Debt Settlement with AW UAE your gateway to outstanding B2B financial recovery. 

Contact us today and claim your FREE legal consultation session with our expert business-oriented lawyers. 


Tailored solutions for bad debt refer to customized strategies and approaches designed by debt collection agencies in UAE to address the issue of non-performing or delinquent debt. These solutions are typically developed to suit the specific circumstances and needs of SMEs, or organizations facing challenges related to bad debt.

This article explores the various benefits of customized approaches in debt collection and how they can contribute to improved recovery rates:

1- Customized Plans of Debt recovery for businesses:

When a company is experiencing financial hardship and is unable to make full debt repayments, a debt recovery agency can work with them to create a payment plan that aligns with their current financial situation. The debt collection agency will typically assess the debtor’s income, expenses, and overall financial capacity to determine an affordable payment amount. This may involve reviewing the debtor’s bank statements, pay stubs, or other financial documents to gain a clear understanding of their financial picture.

Based on this assessment, the debt management services can propose a modified repayment plan that reduces the monthly payment amount, extends the repayment period, or offers a combination of both. The agency will increase the likelihood of regular payments and eventual debt resolution by tailoring the payment plan to the debtor’s financial circumstances.

2- In-depth Financial Analysis and Debtor Segmentation

Normally, debt recovery firms achieve higher recovery rates by utilizing their experience in situation analysis and segmentation.

Debt collection companies employ advanced analytics to assess debtor profiles and payment patterns. Utilizing sophisticated data analysis techniques grants these agencies a comprehensive understanding of each debtor’s financial situation, including their income, expenses, and previous payment history.

Once debt collection services have analyzed debtor profiles, they can segment them into different groups based on their financial capabilities, willingness to pay, and other relevant factors. This segmentation enables agencies to tailor their approach to each debtor, ensuring that the strategies employed are most likely to resonate with them. For example, debtors who have a history of making partial payments may require a different strategy than those who have consistently missed payments altogether.

Read More: The Role Of Debt Management Agencies In Legal Debt Settlement For Businesses!

3- Debtor Lost and Found

When a debtor’s contact information is outdated or unavailable, debt recovery agencies may employ skip tracing techniques to locate the debtor and establish communication. Skip tracing involves using various methods and databases to track down the debtor’s current address, phone number, or other contact details. In the context of tailoring techniques to a debtor’s financial situation, skip tracing allows the agency to reach out to the debtor using the most appropriate communication channels.

For example, if the debtor has indicated a preference for email correspondence, the agency can use the obtained contact information to send communications via email.

Alternatively, if the debtor has a history of responding better to phone calls, the agency can use the obtained phone number to make contact. Employing skip tracing techniques, enables debt recovery agencies to ensure that they can reach the debtor effectively, taking into account the debtor’s preferred communication methods and maximizing the chances of successful engagement and debt resolution.

4- Financial Counseling Referrals

Debt collection firms may recognize that some debtors require more comprehensive assistance beyond debt repayment options. In such cases, they may refer debtors to financial counseling services. Financial counseling services provide personalized guidance and support to debtors, helping them develop effective budgeting strategies, debt management plans, and long-term financial plans.

The counselor will typically review the debtor’s financial situation, provide education on financial literacy, and work collaboratively with the debtor to develop a tailored plan for improving their financial health. Referring debtors to financial counseling services, professional debt recovery services empower debtors with the tools and knowledge needed to address the root causes of their financial challenges and establish a more stable financial future.

5- Evaluation for Debt Claim Case:

In some instances, debt management agencies may need to evaluate the viability of pursuing legal action against a debtor. This evaluation typically takes into consideration the debtor’s financial situation, including their assets, income, and liabilities. If the debtor has limited assets or income, pursuing legal action may not be cost-effective or yield significant results.

In such cases, the agency may recommend alternative approaches, such as negotiation or debt settlement discussions, rather than pursuing legal avenues. However, if the debtor has substantial assets or income that could potentially satisfy the debt, the agency may advise the creditor to proceed with legal action to recover the debt through legal means, such as obtaining a judgment or placing liens on assets. The evaluation of legal action ensures that the debt management agency and the creditor make informed decisions based on the debtor’s financial circumstances and the potential for successful debt recovery.

In Conclusion

These tailored techniques aim to provide comprehensive support to debtors, taking into account their unique financial challenges and circumstances. Offering financial hardship assistance programs, referring debtors to financial counseling services, and evaluating the viability of legal action, allows debt recovery agencies to find the most appropriate and effective solutions for debtors while maximizing the chances of successful debt recovery for the creditor.

Best Debt Management Services in UAE  Contact us now!


Running a business entails providing goods or services in exchange for payment. In an ideal world, this exchange would be seamless. However, we do not live in a perfect world, and clients may sometimes fail to make their payments on time. This can put a strain on your business-customer relationship.

To mitigate the impact of such situations, debt collection agencies in UAE play a vital role in recovering outstanding debts while simultaneously preserving valuable business relationships.

This article tries to explore the importance of debt collection companies in protecting business relationships while recovering bad debt.

1- Debt Collection Agencies as Intermediaries:

Debt collection services play a crucial role in facilitating effective communication and negotiation between the two parties.

Debt management agencies in UAE employ skilled professionals who specialize in debt recovery. These professionals have the necessary expertise and experience to handle delicate situations with debtors. They are trained to approach debt recovery in a respectful and professional manner, ensuring that the process is conducted smoothly.

One of the key benefits of hiring debt collection services is that it helps businesses maintain positive relationships with their customers. The agency acts as a buffer between the business and the debtor, preventing direct confrontation. This buffer is important as it helps preserve the goodwill between the two parties.

Acting as an intermediary allows the debt recovery firms to take on the responsibility of communicating with the debtor on behalf of the business. This relieves the business from the potentially uncomfortable task of directly chasing payments. Instead, the agency handles the communication and negotiation process, allowing the business to focus on its core operations.

Debt recovery companies provide a valuable service by bridging the gap between businesses and debtors. They possess the necessary expertise to handle debt recovery effectively and professionally, while also preserving the relationship between the two parties.

Read Also: The Role Of Debt Management Agencies In Assisting Businesses With Debt Recovery.

2- Ethical Practices in Debt Recovery

One key aspect of ethical debt collection is transparent communication. Agencies make sure that debtors are fully informed about their rights, the debt they owe, and the collection process. They provide clear and accurate information, avoiding any misleading or deceptive tactics. This transparency helps build trust between the agency and the debtor, as it demonstrates a commitment to open and honest communication.

Respectful negotiations are another important ethical practice. Debt recovery services understand that debtors may be facing financial difficulties and approach negotiations with empathy and understanding. They strive to find mutually beneficial solutions that take into account the debtor’s circumstances while still recovering the debt owed. By treating debtors with respect and dignity, agencies aim to maintain positive relationships and avoid damaging the debtor’s reputation.

Adhering to debt collection laws is a fundamental ethical requirement. Reputable agencies ensure that they are fully compliant with all relevant regulations and guidelines. This includes following proper procedures for contacting debtors, providing accurate documentation, and respecting any legal protections or limitations that debtors may have. By operating within the legal framework, agencies demonstrate their commitment to ethical practices and avoid any potential legal repercussions.

3- Other Benefits to the Business:

Engaging debt collection agencies offers numerous benefits to businesses beyond debt recovery:

  • Better allocated time and resources: Assigning the debt recovery process enables your business to focus on their core operations, saving time and resources. This allows organizations to maintain productivity and efficiency while leaving the complex task of debt recovery to professionals.
  • Thorough investigation: Debt collection agencies possess extensive databases and resources, enabling them to conduct thorough investigations into debtors’ financial backgrounds. This information empowers businesses to make informed decisions regarding credit extensions, minimizing the risk of future bad debt. Leveraging the expertise of debt collection agencies help businesses protect their financial interests and maintain healthy business relationships simultaneously.
  • Protection of Financial Interests: Leveraging the expertise of debt collection agencies allows your business to protect their financial interests. Debt management agencies have the necessary tools and strategies to recover debts efficiently, increasing the chances of businesses receiving the money owed to them.
  • Maintaining Healthy Business Relationships: Engaging debt collection agencies allows businesses to separate the debt recovery process from their day-to-day operations. This helps maintain healthy business relationships as the debt collection agency can handle the potentially difficult and sensitive task of debt recovery. By leaving this task to professionals, businesses can avoid straining relationships with their customers or clients.

To Recap

Debt collection agencies play a vital role in protecting business relationships while recovering bad debt. Through their intermediary role, ethical practices, and strategic approach, these agencies ensure that the debt recovery process is conducted professionally and respectfully. By engaging debt collection services, businesses can safeguard their financial interests while preserving valuable relationships with customers. Ultimately, the collaboration between businesses and debt collection agencies contributes to the long-term sustainability and growth of organizations in today’s competitive business environment.

Best Debt Management Services in UAE  Contact us now!


In today’s competitive b2b business world, maintaining a healthy cash inflow is crucial for the success and growth of any organization. However, dealing with unpaid debts can be a significant challenge, often resulting in financial losses and damaged relationships with clients. This is where debt management agencies in UAE come into play.

This article aims to explore the importance of debt recovery agencies, their role in maximizing debt recoveries, and how they can help businesses minimize losses effectively.

1- Maximizing Debt Recoveries through Effective Strategies

The objective is to optimize the process of recovering debts owed by B2b entities. This objective can be achieved by implementing various approaches, such as:

  • Comprehensive debtor profiling and analysis

Comprehensive debtor profiling and analysis involve thoroughly assessing the financial situation, payment history, and other relevant factors of the debtors. This information helps in understanding their ability to repay the debts and enables the development of appropriate recovery strategies.

  • Customized debt recovery plans and strategies

Customized debt recovery plans and strategies refer to tailoring the approach based on the specific circumstances of each debtor. This could involve considering factors like the amount owed, the debtor’s financial capacity, and any legal or regulatory constraints. Therefore, customizing the recovery plans increases the chances of successful debt recovery.

  • Advanced technology and data analytics

Utilizing advanced technology and data analytics involves leveraging technological tools and data analysis techniques to enhance the debt collection service. This could include using software systems to automate tasks, track progress, and identify patterns that can improve recovery rates. Data analytics can help in identifying high-risk debtors, predicting their behavior, and optimizing the allocation of resources.

2- Minimizing Losses through Legal Compliance and Ethical Practices

Debt collection agencies emphasize the importance of adhering to certain principles in order to minimize losses in debt recovery. These principles may include:

  • Adhering to legal frameworks and regulations

Adhering to international legal frameworks and MENA region regulations. Debt recovery agencies must operate within the boundaries of the law and comply with international legal frameworks and regulations specific to the MENA region. This ensures that the agency’s actions are lawful and that they do not engage in any illegal or unethical practices.

  • Maintaining ethical standards in debt recovery practices

Debt management agencies should conduct their operations in an ethical manner. This means treating debtors with respect and fairness, avoiding harassment or intimidation, and following ethical guidelines set by industry associations or regulatory bodies. Hence, adhering to ethical standards motivates agencies to build trust and credibility with both debtors and creditors.

  • Preserving customer relationships and reputation

Debt collection companies understand the importance of maintaining positive relationships with customers, even when dealing with debt recovery. They aim to minimize any negative impact on customer relationships and preserve their own reputation. This involves employing strategies that prioritize communication, negotiation, and finding mutually beneficial solutions whenever possible.

Read More: How Debt Management Agencies Tailor Their Debt Recovery Techniques To Suit Challenges Of Different Industries?

3-The Advantages of Partnering with a Debt Recovery Agency:

Partnering with debt recovery agencies can provide several advantages, including:

  • Cost-effectiveness and time efficiency

Professional Debt collection services have the exact expertise and resources to handle the debt recovery process efficiently. Thus, outsourcing debt recovery to these agencies saves businesses time and money that would otherwise be spent on training staff, investing in technology, and managing the entire recovery process in-house. Debt recovery agencies often work on a contingency basis, meaning they only charge a fee if they successfully recover the debt, further enhancing cost-effectiveness.

  • Access to a wider network of resources and contacts

Debt recovery agencies have extensive networks and contacts within the industry, including legal professionals, skip tracers, and credit reporting agencies. These connections can be invaluable when it comes to locating debtors, conducting background checks, and pursuing legal action if necessary. Collaborating with debt management agencies, would get businesses closer to these resources and benefit from their expertise, ultimately increasing the chances of successful debt recovery.

  • Focus on core business activities

Debt recovery can be a time-consuming and distracting process for businesses, diverting attention and resources away from core activities. Businesses may remove the responsibility of debt collection off their shoulders and concentrate on their core activities by working with debt recovery companies. This allows them to allocate their time and resources more effectively, leading to increased productivity and profitability.

  • Mitigating risks associated with debt recovery.

Debt recovery can be a complex and risky process, especially when dealing with difficult or non-compliant debtors. Debt collection services are well-versed in the legal and regulatory aspects of debt collection, ensuring that businesses remain compliant with relevant laws and regulations. Additionally, these agencies have experience in handling difficult debtors and can employ various strategies to mitigate risks associated with debt recovery, such as pursuing legal action when required.

To Conclude

Debt recovery agencies play a vital role in assisting businesses to recover outstanding debts, employing their expertise, resources, and legal knowledge to maximize recoveries while minimizing losses, ultimately ensuring the financial stability and growth of the organization. These advantages make debt recovery agencies a valuable partner for businesses seeking to recover outstanding debts while maintaining their focus on core operations.

Best Debt Management Services in UAE  Contact us now!


It is understandable for entrepreneurs to question the necessity of outsourcing their debt collection efforts to a third-party agency when they could potentially handle such tasks themselves. Frankly speaking, many businesses, regardless of their size, may not have the adequate resources or expertise to efficiently and consistently collect overdue debts.

A skilled debt collection agency in the UAE can provide valuable support by complementing one’s existing business operations and ultimately increasing profitability.

1- Debt Recovery Will Recuperate Cash Inflow

Cash flow is critical for payrolls, suppliers, growth etc. Uncollected debts impair liquidity. Revenues can be regenerated because:

  • Debt management agencies use proven strategies to recover even a percentage of past dues. This instantly adds funds back into the business’s accounts.
  • Faster collection means converting invoices to cash quicker than possible internally.
  • Additional cash acquired through agencies can be redeployed in productive areas like new inventories or marketing.
  • Settling unpaid balances avoids tying up cash that could have been reinvested sooner.

2- Boost Accounts Receivable Balances

Receivables sitting past due dates damage financial metrics and investors’ analysis. Accounts can thus be adjusted as follows:

  • Accounts referred to agencies aim to have them paid off and removed from balance sheets.
  • Cleaner receivables bring receivable turnover and DSO (days sales outstanding) ratios back in line.
  • Financiers and credit insurers may provide more favorable terms and rates with improved receivables quality.
  • Shareholders and board of directors receive peace of mind on the financial condition reflected in key financial statements.

3- Save Internal Collection Costs

In-house collectors require wages, software, office space and equipment yet recovery rates can be low. Your business can therefore depend on collection agency because:

  • Debt recovery agencies absorb all costs of dedicated collectors, dialing technology and support staff through commissions.
  • There is no salary burden on unsuccessful collection attempts due to contingency agreements.
  • Businesses avoid Opportunity Costs from tying up their own employees in collections roles.
  • Administrative efficiencies are gained without needing to manage internal collection employees.

4- Debt Collectors Have Better Access to Legal Resources

Debt Management agencies have experienced attorneys well-versed in debtor. Creditor law who can provide guidance on optimal timing and types of legal actions like lawsuits or judgments This expertise helps maximize legal recoveries. Here’s how:

  • Debt collection agencies streamline legal processes through economies of scale – their lawyers handle high volumes at lower costs. Legal fees don’t eat into recovered debts.
  • For severely delinquent accounts, agencies quickly determine if litigation is worthwhile and facilitate efficient filing of claims, settlements, or garnishments.

5- Improve Budgeting Accuracy

The higher, and faster recovery rates achieved by debt collection agencies bring more predictability and reliability to cash inflow forecasts, for the following reasons:

  • Past revenue and collections performance data enables sales and cash flow budget models to factor in the agency’s documented success rates. This minimizes variance.
  • More predictable cash inflows permit more accurate budgeting especially for cash balances, operating expenses, and balance sheet accounts like bad debt provisions.
  • Granular data from collections facilitates scenario modeling and sensitivity analysis across business units to refine budgets.
  • Essentially, insights from debt recovery services minimize surprises and improve budgeting precision.


Read More: Benefits Of Hiring Debt Collection Services In Dubai!

6- Debt Collection Firms Will Free Up Management Time

Debt collection agencies handle time-intensive account communications and disputes, freeing up valuable executive time. This precious time can be invested as:

  • Management gets high-level status reports rather than getting dragged into every customer dispute, allowing focus on core responsibilities.
  • Leadership stays updated on collections without having to be involved in day-to-day recovery processes and minutiae.
  • This enables concentrating time and energy on strategic growth initiatives rather than chasing collections.
  • Overall, outsourcing collections to experts lifts a substantial operational burden from executives and managers.

7- Performing Industry-Wise Debt Recovery

Seasoned debt recovery agencies know effective strategies for various sectors and situations. They maximize collections percentages for referring businesses.

  • Debt collection services in UAE have extensive expertise cultivated from years of experience pursuing debts across different industries, companies, and economic conditions.
  • Their specialized skills and resources are finely tuned for optimal recovery outcomes.
  • Agencies leverage insights from vast volumes of past collection outcomes to determine the most effective approaches.
  • They employ proven strategies tailored to unique business sectors as well as individual debtor circumstances.
  • By tapping into an agency’s concentrated industry knowledge and refined collection methodologies, businesses are able to significantly increase their recovery percentages for placed accounts beyond what their in-house team could achieve alone.
  • This maximizes the financial return on unpaid invoices outsourced for collection.

In conclusion

Partnering with a reputable debt recovery agency can deliver substantial benefits to a business’s financial health and bottom line. From improving cash flow to optimizing resources, agencies utilize their extensive experience and expertise to recover higher portions of unpaid debts. Outsourcing collections effectively enhances key financial metrics, saves costs, and frees up management to focus on core growth initiatives. Every business should consider the powerful advantages a collection agency relationship can provide.


Best Debt Management Services in UAE  Contact us now!


Regrettably, past-delayed debts represent a frequent challenge for projects owners. Whether these delays pertain to a single project or recurring fees, they pose significant issues for entrepreneurs, yielding enduring and detrimental consequences that impact employee salaries, investments, and cash flow.

B2B debt collection agencies in UAE specialize in managing and resolving these types of commercial debts. This article offers an overview of their work in legal debt settlement for businesses:

1- Debt Assessment

Debt assessment is the initial step in the debt collection process. The debt recovery agency carefully examines the debt in question to determine its validity and collectability. This involves several key activities:


The debt management services verify the debt’s accuracy, checking that the claimed debt amount is correct and that the debtor business indeed owes the money. This often involves reviewing invoices, contracts, and any relevant documentation.

Debtor’s Status

The debt recovery agency investigates the current status of the debtor business. Is it still operational, or has it filed for bankruptcy or gone out of business? Understanding the debtor’s financial health is crucial in assessing the likelihood of recovering the debt.


The debt collection agency collects and organizes all pertinent documentation related to the debt. This may include invoices, purchase orders, contracts, correspondence, and any communication between the parties.

2- Communication

Once the debt assessment is complete, the debt collection agency initiates communication with the debtor business. Effective communication is key to resolving the debt issue. The agency typically follows these steps:

Initial Contact

The agency may send a written demand letter or make an initial phone call to inform the debtor of the outstanding debt. This communication outlines the debt’s details, the amount owed, and a request for payment.

Verification of Debt

Debtors have the right to dispute a debt’s validity within a certain timeframe. If the debtor disputes the debt, the agency must provide validation and verification of the debt’s legitimacy.


If the debtor acknowledges the debt but can’t pay the full amount, negotiation begins. This stage often involves discussing payment arrangements, settlement offers, or extended payment terms.

3- Negotiation

Negotiation is a critical phase in the debt collection process and involves discussions between the debt collection agency in Dubai and the debtor business with the aim of reaching an agreement. Key aspects of negotiation include:

Settlement Offers

The debt settlement agency may propose a reduced lump-sum settlement amount to resolve the debt. This is often attractive to debtors as it allows them to clear the debt for less than the full balance.

Payment Plans

In cases where the debtor cannot afford to pay the entire debt at once, the agency may negotiate a structured payment plan with regular installments.

Terms and Conditions

Negotiations cover the terms and conditions of the settlement, including deadlines, interest rates, and any legal implications.

4- Legal Debt Settlement for Recovering Businesses’ Debts

If negotiations fail to produce a resolution, the debt management agency may recommend taking legal action against the debtor business. This typically involves the following steps:

Consultation with Attorneys

The debt settlement services may consult with legal experts or have in-house legal teams to assess the viability of a lawsuit.

Filing a Lawsuit

If pursuing legal action is deemed appropriate, the agency files a lawsuit in the appropriate jurisdiction, citing the outstanding debt and seeking judgment in favor of the creditor.

Legal Process

The agency manages the entire legal process, including serving legal notices, gathering evidence, and representing the creditor’s interests in court.

Read More: The Role Of Legal Debt Settlement Agencies In Helping Businesses

5- Litigation Support

During the legal action phase, the debt collection agency provides litigation support to pursue a favorable outcome for the creditor. This includes:

Document Preparation

The debt management agency in UAE prepares and files all necessary legal documents, such as complaints, motions, and responses to the court.

Court Representation

The agency’s legal team represents the creditor’s interests in court proceedings, presenting the case and arguing for judgment.

Enforcement of Judgment

If the court rules in favor of the creditor, the agency takes steps to enforce the judgment, such as pursuing wage garnishments, asset seizures, or property liens to secure payment.

6- Debt Collection Reporting

Reporting in debt collection services involves maintaining comprehensive records of all interactions and actions taken during the collection process. The agency provides regular updates to its client, the creditor, ensuring transparency and accountability. This includes documenting communication with the debtor, negotiation progress, legal proceedings, and any payments received. The creditor relies on these reports to stay informed about the status of debt recovery efforts.

7- Compliance with Debt Collection Regulations

Compliance is crucial in debt collection to ensure that the agency operates within the bounds of relevant laws and regulations. B2B debt collection agencies Compliance includes proper communication practices, validation of debts, and adherence to statutes of limitations. Failure to comply with these regulations can lead to legal consequences, including fines and lawsuits.

8- Recovery of Delayed Payments

The ultimate objective of a B2B debt management agency is to recover the outstanding debt on behalf of the creditor. Once the debt is collected, the agency disburses the funds to the creditor, minus their fees and expenses. The recovery process may involve various methods, including settlements, payment plans, or legal actions. The agency employs its expertise and resources to maximize debt recovery while minimizing the financial burden on the creditor.

Best legal debt settlement services in UAE  Contact us now!